於2019年8月17日位於萬錦市新旺角商場 美食廣場舉辦的多彩加拿大活動圓滿成功,收到商場店家的回饋,表示感謝我們舉辦的活動,帶動商場的活絡,皆表示希望明年再有相同的活動在商場舉行。
活動當中我們有歌舞表演、節目小品、有獎問答、免費氣球玩具、 免費小禮物、Face Painting、免費咨詢(老年金申請、租房買房、 稅務保險) 、健康自我康復小技巧、人生前景免費咨詢等等。
On August 17th, 2019, the colourful Canada event held at the Food Square of First Markham Place in Markham City was a great success. We received feedback from the stores and expressed our gratitude to our activities and the promotion of the mall, and also hope that the same event will be held in the mall next year.
In this event, we have activities such as singing, dancing, talk show, prize-winning Q&A, FREE balloon toys, FREE gifts, Face Painting, FREE consultation (senior pension application, renting/buying a house, tax/insurance) , heath self-rehabilitation tips, life prospects free consultation and so on.