
於2019年8月17日位於萬錦市新旺角商場 美食廣場舉辦的多彩加拿大活動圓滿成功,收到商場店家的回饋,表示感謝我們舉辦的活動,帶動商場的活絡,皆表示希望明年再有相同的活動在商場舉行。

歌舞表演、節目小品、有獎問答、免費氣球玩具、 免費小禮物、Face Painting、免費咨詢(老年金申請、租房買房、 稅務保險)  健康自我康復小技巧、人生前景免費咨詢等等。 

On August 17th, 2019, the colourful Canada event held at the Food Square of First Markham Place in Markham City was a great success. We received feedback from the stores and expressed our gratitude to our activities and the promotion of the mall, and also hope that the same event will be held in the mall next year.
In this event, we have activities such as singing, dancing, talk show, prize-winning Q&A, FREE balloon toys, FREE gifts, Face Painting, FREE consultation (senior pension application, renting/buying a house, tax/insurance) , heath self-rehabilitation tips, life prospects free consultation and so on. 

2019 Summer Camp Photo Gallery

For more detail Summer Event, please visit at https://summercamp.7starcommunity.com/
Please pay attention to our registration announcement for Summer Camp 2020.

Walk away from the marriage misunderstanding

Author: Datong Yuan

When my wife and I are doing the work of marriage and family counseling, we also have a quarrel contradictory, but we will cover up this conflict, do not let other people see. When we lecture, often brothers and sisters, said: "Teacher, you sing this song, we shed tears." but they do not know, we both have fights sometimes flushed before the lecture, we can not let others see our weakness, often we had to show. Otherwise we will stumble over others: "You do not even harmony. How could you tell us what is happiness?"

We love each other very much, and our feelings are very good, but disputes between us are still frequent. Over the years we have worked well in the field of marriage counseling, get a lot of identities from churches. But after my wife's illness worsened, unbearable challenges began to arise between us. Her body hasn’t been good, but it has grown to be such a serious stage, exactly out of my anticipation.

Back in 1994, when my wife and I were in a foreign country, my wife had thyroiditis. The thyroid is an important endocrine organ. When we tired, frightened, angry, excited, it can play the role of a buffer and mediation. But after my wife had the disease, thyroid necrosis, the thyroid secretion was zero. At that time in a foreign country, we had no money to treat my wife, and we had no insurance. We just had believed in the Lord at that time. In this tribulation, Pastor Zhou Guang Liang and his wife Zhou Suqin helped us and gave us a free treatment.


最近,加拿大這個國家的一個老問題又成了報紙,電視,互聯網上的頭條新聞,引起了加拿大全國上下的廣泛關注。這個問題就是加拿大的土著印第安人和印第安人保留地(Indian Reserves)的問題。

上個月,安大略省北部一個人口兩千一百人, 名字叫Attawapiskat的印第安人保留地宣佈進入緊急狀態,因為寒冷的冬天到了,保留地還有90多位居民住在簡易的棚子里,沒有抽水馬桶,暖氣設備也很差。聯邦政府很快派出官員前往調查,並要求將該保留地置於第三方的管理之下,即不是印第安人自己的行政機構管理,也不是聯邦政府官員管理。政府這樣做的理由是,自2006年以來,聯邦政府給這個保留地總共撥款九千多萬元,為何還出現這種問題,政府想知道印第安人首領等人是如何管理財政的。為此,政府還派出一名專業會計來查賬,但這個會計反被保留地的印第安人領導們趕了出來。在加拿大這樣的發達國家,這些住工棚的印第安人如果出了健康和人命問題,那可是不得了的大事。這件事哈泊總理和主管部長親自介入,反對黨領導人要求馬上派軍隊支援,給這個印第安人保留地運送臨時住房和各種物資。總之,事情鬧得沸沸揚揚。


Honour your Father and Mother

Speaker: Mike Connell

In Malachi 4 God prophetically declared the condition on the earth in our time - breakdown in family relationships, destruction and broken-hearts. The problem lies in our heart. We don't have to live out of disappointment and pain. God wants to heal the broken-hearted and TURN our hearts. We can resolve issues of the heart. King David and his wife Michal both suffered injustice from King Saul, but their heart response determined their destiny. Discover powerful keys for accessing God's promises and blessing. It's not automatic, it requires a response.

Open your Bible with me to Malachi 4. We’ve just been having a wonderful few days of meetings; God moving and touching so many lives. I was weighing up and praying on what to do today and I want to share with you a message called ‘Honour your father and your mother’.

We’re going to start here in Malachi – which is the very last closing of the Old Testament. There’s about 400 years of silence before God begins to move and Jesus enters this world. So God makes a promise to them – verse 5 and 6: “I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers lest they come and strike the earth with a curse.

So God expresses His concern and prophetically, He reveals a condition that will be in the earth in the last days. Prophetically, He reveals – in the last days before Jesus returns, that one of the chief problems in the earth will be the break-down of family relationships. Families are foundational to our society. Society’s built on strong families; strong marriages; strong relationships and God’s intention is that families should be healthy. God’s intention is that our parents will reveal something of the heart of God to the world.